Visa Application ( Japan )


Japanese Embassy started accepting tourist visa applications again since the 11th of Oct 2022.

( Updated :   24May 2023 )

Soho Travel is one of the appointed travel agencies by Japanese embassy in Seoul for Japanese visa applications.

If you get us the following documents,
We will be able to help with your visa application.
If you want to apply for a Japanese short term business visa, Please click here .
If you already have COE and want to apply for a Japanese long term visa, Please click here.
If you want to apply for a Japanese visit visa ( visiting relatives or acquaintances ) , Pleas click here.
If you want to apply for a Japanese tourist visa, Please check the following document list or click here.

If you are not from the countries for Japanese visa exemption,

You must apply for a visa to go to Japan. Here’s the visa exemption country list.

Soho Travel is one of the appointed travel agencies by Japanese embassy in Seoul for Japanese visa applications.

If you get us the following documents,

We will be able to help with your visa application.

  • Required Documents ( Tourist Visa/ Single Entry 

  1.  Physical Passport ( Original Passport or Photo Copy )                                                                       Starting from April 2024, for single-entry tourist visas to Japan, E-visas will be introduced, replacing the traditional sticker visas with electronic visas. Therefore, there is no need to submit the original passport. (***Applies to single-entry tourist visas only)

    However, if you do not have a scanner or cannot send a copy, please provide the original document.

2. Completed and Signed Application form

3. 2 Passport Photos (4.5cm x 4.5cm or 3,5cm x 4.5cm / Recently taken within 6 months/Printed photo only)

*Even though the size of the photo is slightly larger or smaller, It can be accepted.

However, photos taken for more than 6 months ago are strictly not accepted. Therefore, You can’t submit the same photo on any document issued more than 6 months ago among the documents you submit (such as an old visa on your passport etc).

4. ARC (Alien Registration Card) Or Resindence Card copy ( Front and Back page ) – Photo copy

외국인등록증 사본(앞 뒷면)

If your alien registration card has been renewed or updated with handwritten changes,

Please visit the nearest Community Center 주민센터 near you to obtain a “Certificate of Alien Registration.”

– If you are a student, We would like to recommend you to submit ” Ceriticate of Enrollment 재학증명서 ” as well.

– If you are an E9 visa holder, We We would like to recommend you to submit ” Ceriticate of Employment 재직증명서 ” as well.

5. Schedule of Stay 일정표

This must contain the exact travel dates of flights and accommodation and travel plan in detail.

(in chronological order with exact dates and times of the flights and accommodations )

6. Air plane ticket/Confirmation

( Your name must be shown on the confirmation. )

7. The bank statement of your Korean bank account (잔고증명서/Balance Certificate)

(If you have a Korean bank account, The bank account statement copy should be in Korean)

1) Please also make sure that your full name is printed on the bank statement

(especially if you are using Hana bank).

Note 1) You can also submit your home country’s bank account statement showing the balance.

However all documents submitted must be written or translated in Korean, Japanese, or English.

Note 2) If you don’t have enough money in your bank account,

You will be allowed to submit your spouse, parent’s or other family member’s bank statement

but you will have to prove the relationship between you and the bank account holder

by documents such as birth certificate, Marriage certificate..etc.

Note 3) How much money you should have in your bank account to get a visa to Japan?

The Japanese embassy doesn’t officially set a specific amount but per my experience, however,

you must have at least 3 million won or the equivalent amount in other foreign currency.

( I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Japanese visa issued lately if the applicant has a balance of less than 3 million won in her or his bank account.)

For example, if your stay in Japan is for 3 days, your bank account must show that you have maintained ( or have ) at least a 3,000,000 won balance.

According to the Japanese Embassy’s standards, You can travel only if you have a balance of 1 million won in your bank account per day for each day of your travel in Japan .

So if you plan to travel to Japan for 4 days, You are required to have 4 million won in your bank account or for 5 days, 5 million won..etc.

* If you are an E9 visa holder, We would like to recommend you to submit ” Certiciate of income ” for the last year too.

Disclaimer: The above description of the bank statement is written by Soho Travel’s experience and is not the official position of the Japanese Embassy.

( 8. Copy of documents to prove the relationship between you and your family such as Marriage Certificate or Birth Certificate

if you are travelling with your family members and use one bank statement with other family members )

**The visa fee (per person) to pay is .

A. 70,000 won per person if you are from















B. 80,000 won per person if you are from



C. 90,000 won per person if you are from


D. Other countries : 100,000 won

You can pay for the fee in my office or transfer the fee into one of my company bank accounts.


KB ( Bank code 004 / Kook Min Bank 국민은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)


NH (Bank code 011 / Nonghyup 농협 )


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel)정종호(소호트레블)


KEB HANA Bank (Bank code 081 / 하나은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)

***The visa process takes at least 5 working days. It takes less or more depending on the situation.

Would you let me know before you visit my office?

You can visit my office bringing your documents or send me them to us using registered express mail ( 빠른 등기/ 익일 특급).

Mon-Fri : You can visit my office without an appointment if you visit us

between 10 am and 12:00 pm or between 3:30 pm and 6 pm

We don’t open on weekends.

​Our office address to send the documents :

( From any post office near you using express registered mail 빠른 등기/익일 특급)

Soho Travel (010-8423-1713) Room 201 , 61 World Cup Buk-Ro 4 Gil, Mapo-Gu 03993 Seoul Korea

소호트레블 (010-8423-1713) 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로4길 61번지 차일드라인 201호 03993

Email us to

If you have any questions.!4m6!3m5!1s0x357c98dca4397023:0x753a734571de8c2c!8m2!3d37.5586559!4d126.922228!16s%2Fg%2F11bx9bwmwl

** Currently per the Japanese Embassy’s visa policy,

We are not able to help with your visa applicatoin, If your registered address in Korea is Busan, Daegu, Ulsan or Gyeongsang Area.

일본 대사관의 정책에 따라 현재 부산, 대구, 울산, 경상남북도가 주소지인 분들의 비자 신청은 도와드리지 못합니다. 죄송합니다.

만약 아래 링크에 있는 일본 비자가 면제되는 국가 출신이 아니시라면

일본 비자를 신청하셔야 일본에 갈 수 있습니다.

소호트레블은 일본 대사관에서 지정한 일본 비자를 대행하는 여행사 중 하나입니다.

아래의 서류를 준비해오시면 비자 신청을 도와드릴 수 있습니다.

  • 일본 단수 / 관광 비자의 필요서류

  1. 여권 원본 
    2024년 4월 부터 일본 단수 관광 비자의 경우 전자비자(eVisa)가 시작됩니다. 따라서 사본을 전달해주세요. 만약 스캐너가 없거나 사본 전달이 어려운 경우는 원본을 전달해주세요. 여권을 보내시기 전에 여권 안에 있는 보딩패스, 영수증 등과 여권 커버도 모두 제거하시고 여권만 보내주세요. 이러한 물건들을 분실 시 책임지지 않습니다.

  2. 사증 (비자) 신청서


3. 최근 6개월 이내 찍은 사진 2매 (4.5cm x 4.5cm or 3,5cm x 4.5cm/ 인쇄된 사진 )

– 국적에 따라 1매 또는 2매가 필요합니다.

( 사진의 크기는 규격보다 크거나 작아도 되지만, 찍은지 6개월 넘은 사진은 엄격히 접수가 되지 않습니다. 특히 제출하는 서류 안에 붙어있는 오래된 사진과 같은 경우는 접수가 거절됩니다. )

4. ARC 외국인등록증 사본(앞 뒷면)

  • 외국인 등록증이 손글씨로 갱신되거나 수정된 경우 가까운 주민센터에서 외국인등록사실증명을 받아주세요.

– 신청자가 학생이라면 “재학증명서”도 함께 제출하시길 권해드립니다.

– 신청자가 E9 비자 소지자면 재직증명서도 함께 제출해주세요.

5. 일정표


Schedule of Stay.pdf

파일 다운로드

일정표에는 항공과 숙박, 그리고 여행 계획을 자세히 기입해야 합니다.

정확한 날짜 그리고 순서대로 하루도 빼지 않고 작성해주세요.

6. 항공 확인서

신청인의 이름이 쓰여있는지 확인하세요.

7. 은행 잔고/잔액 증명서

– 한국 계좌의 잔고 증명서는 가급적 한글로 제출해주세요.

1) 신청자의 이름이 거래내역서에 나와있는지 확인해주세요. 특히 하나은행의 경우 이름이 쓰여있나 확인해주세요.

Note 1) 한국 계좌가 없거나 잔고가 부족하다면 본국의 잔고증명서서를 제출하셔도 됩니다.

제출하시는 서류는 한국어, 영어 또는 일어로 쓰여있거나 번역되어야 합니다.

Note 2)신청인 본인의 계좌의 잔고가 충분치 않다면 가족의 은행 거래내역서를 제출해도 됩니다.

하지만 가족관계를 증명할 수 있는 출생 증명서, 결혼 증명서등의 서류를 함께 제출해주세요.

Note 3) 비자 신청을 위해서 은행 잔고가 얼마나 필요한지?

저희의 경험에 의하면 비자 신청을 위해 일본에 머무는 하루에 100만원의 잔고가 필요합니다.따라서 4일동안 일본에 체류한다면 4백만원 정도의 잔고가 있는 은행 서류를 제출해주세요.

* E9 visa holder라면 소득금액증명원도 가능하면 같이 제출해주세요.

Disclaimer: The above description of the bank statement is written by Soho Travel’s experience and is not the official position of the Japanese Embassy. 위의 은행 계좌에 대한 내용은 소호트레블의 경험에 의해 기술된 내용으로 일본대사관의 공식 입장은 아닙니다.

( 8. 만약 가족이 함께 비자 신청을 하고 가족 중 한분의 거래내역서로 비자 신청을 하는 경우는 결혼증명서, 출생증명서 등 가족을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 함께 제출해주세요. )

** 비자수수료는 다음과 같습니다.

A. 70,000 원 ( 아래 국적의 경우 )















B. 80,000 원 ( 아래 국적의 경우 )



C. 90,000 원 ( 아래 국적의 경우 )


D. 그 밖의 국적의 경우 : 100,000 won

수수료는 사무실에서 직접 지불하시거나 아래 계좌로 입금해주시면 됩니다.


KB ( Bank code 004 / Kook Min Bank 국민은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)


NH (Bank code 011 / Nonghyup 농협 )


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel)정종호(소호트레블)


KEB HANA Bank (Bank code 081 / 하나은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)

*** 비자는 공식적으로 적어도 5 영업일 후 발급 됩니다.

상황에 따라 이보다 적게 걸리거나 오래 걸리기도 하지만 약속되는 사항은 아닙니다.

사무실이 간혹 빌 수 있으니 오시기 전에 연락해주세요. 010-8423-1713 또는

사무실로 서류를 가지고 방문하시거나, 방문이 어려우면 우체국에서 빠른등기나 익일특급으로 보내주세요.

월요일-금요일 오전 10시-오후 12시 또는 오후3시반-오후6시 사이는 예약없이 오셔도 됩니다.

주말에는 쉽니다.

방문 또는 서류 보내실 주소

( 우체국에서 빠른 등기/익일 특급으로 보내주세요)

Soho Travel (010-8423-1713) Room 201 , 61 World Cup Buk-Ro 4 Gil, Mapo-Gu 03993 Seoul Korea

소호트레블 (010-8423-1713) 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로4길 61번지 차일드라인 201호 03993

문의 사항은!4m6!3m5!1s0x357c98dca4397023:0x753a734571de8c2c!8m2!3d37.5586559!4d126.922228!16s%2Fg%2F11bx9bwmwl

** 일본 대사관의 정책에 따라 현재 부산, 대구, 울산, 경상남북도가 주소지인 분들의 비자 신청은 도와드리지 못합니다. 죄송합니다.

If you are not from the countries for Japanese visa exemption,

You must apply for a visa to go to Japan. Here’s the visa exemption country list.

Soho Travel is one of the appointed travel agencies by Japanese embassy in Seoul for Japanese visa applications.

If you get us the following documents,

We will be able to help with your visa application.

  • Required Documents ( Tourist Visa/ Single Entry )

  1. Physical Passport ( Original Passport )

  2. Application form


2. Japanese visa application Form NEW.pdf

파일 다운로드

3. 1 Passport Photo (4.5cm x 4.5cm or 3,5cm x 4.5cm / Recently taken within 6 months/Printed photo only)

*Even though the size of the photo is slightly larger or smaller, It can be accepted.

However, photos taken for more than 6 months ago are strictly not accepted. Therefore, You can’t submit the same photo on any document issued more than 6 months ago among the documents you submit (such as an old visa on your passport etc).

4. ARC (Alien Registration Card) Or Resindence Card copy ( Front and Back page ) – Photo copy

5. Schedule of Stay


Schedule of Stay.pdf

파일 다운로드

This must contain the exact travel dates of flights and accommodation and travel plan in detail.

(in chronological order with exact dates and times of the flights and accommodations )

6. Hotel Voucher/Confirmation Hotel booking at

( Your name must be shown on the confirmation. )

( There must be hotel bookings for the entire travel time; There can be no empty unaccounted for gaps in time. )

7.Air plane ticket/Confirmation

( Your name must be shown on the confirmation. )

8. The bank statement of your Korean bank account (입출금거래내역서)

(If you have a Korean bank account, The bank account statement copy should be in Korean)

You must obtain an official printed bank document (입출금거래내역서)

showing all of your deposits and withdrawals for the past 3 months.

1) Please also make sure that your full name is printed on the bank statement

(especially if you are using Hana bank).

2) If any large amount (500,000 Korean won or more if they are not salaries) is deposited into the submitted bank account, Submit a list of the amounts deposited in your bank account along with the bank statement.

The Japanese Embassy’s policy seems to require visa applicants to be screened for visa application only with their own money. You can’t get a visa issued with the money you borrowed from others. So, to prove that all the money in your bank account is yours, You are requested to submit a list of the deposited amounts explaining the date, amount, and who deposited the money and why. If a family member sent it, you might be asked to submit documents and deposit receipts that prove the relationship with that family member.

Note 1) You can also submit your home country’s bank account statement showing the transaction details for the last 3 months.

All documents submitted must be written or translated in Korean, Japanese, or English.

If you submit a non-Korean bank account document,

You should also submit a brief letter of reason why you are submitting non-Korean bank statement instead of Korean bank statement

and explaining how to pay your living expenses in Korea.

Note 2) If you don’t have enough money in your bank account,

You will be allowed to submit your spouse, parent’s or other family member’s bank statement

but you will have to prove the relationship between you and the bank account holder by documents such as birth certificate, Marriage certificate..etc.

Note 3) How much money you should have in your bank account to get a visa to Japan?

The Japanese embassy doesn’t officially set a specific amount but per my experience, however,

you must have at least 3 million won or the equivalent amount in other foreign currency.

( I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Japanese visa issued lately if the applicant has a balance of less than 3 million won in her or his bank account.)

For example, if your stay in Japan is for 3 days, your bank account must show that you have maintained ( or have ) at least a 3,000,000 won balance for the last 3 months

According to the Japanese Embassy’s standards, You can travel only if you have a balance of 1 million won in your bank account per day for each day of your travel in Japan .

So if you plan to travel to Japan for 4 days, You are required to have 4 million won in your bank account or for 5 days, 5 million won..etc.

( 9. Copy of documents to prove the relationship between you and your family such as Marriage Certificate or Birth Certificate

if you are travelling with your family members and use one bank statement with other family members )

**The visa fee (per person) to pay is

A. 70,000 won per person if you are from














B. 80,000 won per person if you are from



C. Other countries : 100,000 won

You can pay for the fee in my office or transfer the fee into one of my company bank accounts.


KB ( Bank code 004 / Kook Min Bank 국민은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)


NH (Bank code 011 / Nonghyup 농협 )


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel)정종호(소호트레블)


KEB HANA Bank (Bank code 081 / 하나은행)


Account holder : Jeong Jongho (Soho Travel) 정종호(소호트레블)

***The visa process takes at least 5 working days. It takes less or more depending on the situation.

Would you let me know before you visit my office?

You can visit my office bringing your documents or send me them to us using registered express mail ( 빠른 등기/ 익일 특급).

Mon-Fri : You can visit my office without an appointment if you visit us

between 10 am and 12:30 pm or between 3:30 pm and 6 pm

​Our office address to send the documents :

( From any post office near you using express registered mail 빠른 등기/익일 특급)

Soho Travel (010-8423-1713) Room 201 , 61 World Cup Buk-Ro 4 Gil, Mapo-Gu 03993 Seoul Korea

소호트레블 (010-8423-1713) 서울시 마포구 월드컵북로4길 61번지 차일드라인 201호 03993

** Currently per the Japanese Embassy’s visa policy,

We are not able to help with your visa applicatoin, If your registered address in Korea is Busan, Daegu, Ulsan or Gyeongsang Area.